Isfahan Switch Manufacturing Company, ISWITCH, with an aspiring team of employees, mainly engineers, assembling individuals, quality Isfahan Switch Manufacturing Company, ISWITCH, with a highly qualified assurance team & warehousing plus sales team is a national market leader in the manufacturing & supplying various types of push-button switch, micro switch & indicators as well as control box switches & precision equipment. The company also sets the standard in the measurement of electrical & mechanical requirements in 2006, ISWITCH is today a strong & reliable partner of all requirements of switches & indicators industry.
ISWITCH offers a complete range of electrical & electromechanical devices; pushbuttons, signal indicators, limit & micro switches, meters, control box switches. Our voltage/ ampere/ temperature/ frequency meter indicators are available in the measuring range of 0-500 VAC, 0-500 Amperes. These instruments come supplied with
standardized current or voltage output signals (Also intrinsically safe per IEC/EN), interfaces & protocols for various field businesses.
Thanks to a board of portfolio of high-precision instruments & comprehensive services, ISWITCH ensures flexibility & the highest delivery performance.
Every year, over 4 million quality products, both standard & customer-specific solutions are delivered in batches of 1 to over 10,000 units. With numerous wholly-owned subsidiaries & partners, ISWITCH completely & reliably supports its customers. Our experienced engineers & sales experts are your competent & dependable
contacts locally.
Having assessed international & national quality certificates, today, our team is making all it’s efforts to meet all requirements of IEC/EN60947-5-1, IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 61008-1, IEC/EN 455, VDE0660 & IEC 61058-1-1, so that a reliable product together with a strong & real customer-oriented relationship happens and all parties involved in this mutual business relation find the sense of satisfaction, inspiration & motivation.